
Deploy a PostgreSQL database with an initial schema using Ansible


Ansible is a great automation tool to manage operating systems, but also to manage database like PostgreSQL. Many Ansible modules are available to create playbooks which execute various database administration tasks.

In this article we will have a closer look how to ensure that

  • a default database has been created
  • a set of configured extensions have been installed
  • an initial database schema has been deployed

The user that will log on to the remote host using Ansible (and SSH), must be able to become the postgres user using sudo without a password (in this example, can be changed of course).

The tasks below are split in two big tasks, both containing a block. Blocks allow to group certain tasks which might need the same variables (for instance the same tags, become variables, …).

The first block will ensure that the default database has been created, based on a YAML variable called {{ db_name }}. This variable must be set in either a group_vars file, host_vars file or supplied at the command line.

In the same block, Ansible will also ensure that the pg_stat_statements extension is enabled and installed in the above database. pg_stat_statements is a very useful extension to debug or display statistics regarding the SQL statements executed on that specific database.

And the end of the first block, a task was added to loop over a YAML variable called {{ shared_preload_extensions }}. The variable is a supposed to be a list and should contain all extra extensions required to enabled to the above database. Shared preload extensions also need to be configured in the postgresql.conf file, which is not covered in this article.

- name: Default Database
  tags: default_database
    ansible_become_user: postgres
    ansible_become_method: sudo
    ansible_become_pass: null
    - name: Ensure required database
        name: "{{ db_name }}"
        encoding: UTF-8

    - name: Ensure pg_stat_statements extension
        name: "pg_stat_statements"
        db: "{{ db_name }}"
        schema: public
        state: present

    - name: Ensure shared_preload extensions
        name: "{{ item }}"
        db: "{{ db_name }}"
        state: present
      loop: "{{ shared_preload_libraries.split(',') }}"
        label: " {{ item }}"

- name: Ensure initial database schema
  tags: default_database
    - name: Schema definition file
        src: "{{ db_name }}/schema_definition.sql.j2"
        dest: /var/lib/postgresql/initial_schema_definition.sql
        owner: postgres
        group: postgres
        mode: 0600
      when: ( role_path + "/templates/" + db_name + "/schema_definition.sql.j2" ) is file
      register: initial_schema

    - name: Apply the schema definition
      ignore_errors: True
        ansible_become_user: postgres
        ansible_become_method: sudo
        ansible_become_pass: null
        db: "{{ db_name }}"
        path_to_script: /var/lib/postgresql/initial_schema_definition.sql
        encoding: UTF-8
        as_single_query: yes
      when: initial_schema.changed

    - debug:
        msg: "No schema definition found for {{db_name}}, skipping..."

The second block of tasks will ensure that an initial database schema is deployed. This block consists of two tasks only.

The first task will upload the schema definition SQL-based file to a specific path on the remote host.

The second task will try to execute that SQL file, if it was changed by the first task. This means of course that if the file was changed manually on the remote host (or even removed), Ansible will update that file again in the first task and it will deploy the full file again in the second task! This might overwrite or break your database.

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