23 posts
Syslog event generator with Net::RawIP (perl)
Recently I have been asked to write a Syslog event generator, but not just a normal syslog generator,…
Geotag your photos with Perl and GPX files
Geotagging photos used to be a very expensive operation, since you needed special equipment, heavy antennas and especially:…
Generate thumbnails with Perl and Image Magick
Putting photos on a website has always been a pain. There were always a few steps you had…
Recovering Subject column in Apple’s
This weekend I had to install an Apple update, which seems to have updated the This new…
Perl/Ajax with JSON
I just discovered this very interesting article about Perl, CGI, Template and Ajax using JSON. I’m going to…
Updating custom CPAN modules on Debian
On Debian based distributions, a handy tool called dh-make-perl can be installed to ease the installation of CPAN…
Bash and the Screen
Beauty and the Beast When working in a UNIX/Linux/MacOSX environment, the command is often used to execute some…
Writing and reading to pipes (Perl)
When writing Perl scripts to automate shell tasks, file handlers will be used for reading files, writing to…
Perl, Facebook and GMail Contacts
There are probably already 13 in a dozen applications or websites that can do this, but I wanted…